

Our distinction is that we engage with our clients through the approach of ontological coaching.

Ontological coaching focuses on how an individual interacts and engages with the world.

These engagements and interactions are known as an individual’s, way of being.

This method of integrated coaching explores leaders through their own complete and unique way of being.
Discovering somatic, emotional and language constructs
consequentially engaging the mind, body and emotions towards improved action.

Leaders that partner with us and engage through an ontological centred approach can expect to explore their own way of being and by understanding and nurturing this awareness, gain profound learning and powerful sustainable individual growth.

Through this growth leaders can gain greater insights into how they make decisions, how they observe the possibilities around them and how they can maximise generative potential and impact.

Our coaches are trained by Newfield Network and have undertaken the International Coaching Federation
Accredited Coaching for Personal & Professional Mastery Program.